En este artículo, The Guardian hace un bonito repaso a algunos detalles del futbolista, el primero que se metión en la campaña Common Goal, donando un 1% de su sueldo para esta causa, centrada en realizar proyectos solidarios con este dinero obtenido.
Buen momento de recordar iniciativas de este tipo y ponernos delante del espejo para ver si, desde nuestra más humilde posición, también hacemos algo al respecto. Os puedo contar mi batallita... Años atrá hice algo semejante con el otrora famoso 0.7%, que dedicaba a una entidad con fines sociales. El sueldo era otro, eran otros tiempos, pero ahora haciendo un cálculo de esa cantidad que he mantenido y de esas docnaciones puntiales, puedo decir tranquilamente que estoy en ese 1%.
Animaros todos a esa causa!!
Por si os ha dado pereza clickar al articulo os dejo algunas de sus perlas y una de sus fotos:
- In less than five months Mata has been joined by 35 other football people from 17 countries in donating 1% of their salaries to Common Goal. All the money raised will be given to football charities where it is needed most – and the project now includes, beyond the players, its first manager, administrator and startup initiative.
- “I had been thinking about doing my own foundation to help others,” Mata says. “But I then met Jürgen Griesbeck [the founder of streetfootballworld, which now runs Common Goal]. He’s been working in football for 15 years and he started in Colombia after the death of Andrés Escobar because he scored an own goal in the [1994] World Cup. We came up with the idea of bringing football together to help others. The idea is that it doesn’t have to be voluntary. We aim to have the 1% donation [embedded] within the structure of football.”
- “I put my hand on Didier’s shoulder and said: ‘Look around, Didier. Look where we are. Keep believing … just believe.’
- “For me,” Mata says, “football is what I love to do most. It is also the thing I’m better doing than anything else. But football is more than a game. Common Goal brings together these two levels of how football is understood. We have professional football but we also have a beautiful game, which, wherever you go, can be used as a social tool for change. Football has an unmatchable power.
- “But sometimes people underestimate footballers and their capacity to have a strong opinion and sympathy for others. I believe being a professional footballer means you have some responsibility to think of others who don’t have the same opportunities. It’s a matter of education – but I am positive the more we talk the more young players will have a perception of how lucky we are.”
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